Labyrinth Music Blog

Meditations on Learning and Loving Music

What does it take to be a pro? The ten things that separate the best from the rest

What does it take to be a pro? The ten things that separate the best from the rest

Could you be a professional musician? If you want to perform music at a high level, and make a living doing it, you need to know what it takes to grow and sustain a career. Working musicians tend to have a certain set of qualities and abilities that allow them to succeed, and if you want to level up from amateur to pro someday, you’ll need to have them, too.

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How to fight the post-performance blues

How to fight the post-performance blues

Part of getting ready for a performance is preparing for how you’ll feel after it’s over. Almost every performer gets some type of emotional whiplash after performing. Fortunately, it’s something you can prepare for and manage!

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Confession: I hate needing help

Confession: I hate needing help

Aversion to getting help is a hallmark of perfectionism. I have to admit, I hate needing help, asking for help, and accepting help. This installment of “Progress for Perfectionists” is a personal story about a time I caught myself being unnecessarily, foolishly self-sufficient.

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Music teacher, coach, or tutor: What’s the difference?

Music teacher, coach, or tutor: What’s the difference?

Which do you need, a teacher, a coach, or a tutor? Musicians and aspiring musicians need to know which kind of professional will be the best choice to help them reach their goals.

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