Hello! I’m Laurel. This is my blog. I’m an LA-area musician and music teacher, and a generally opinionated person. I have a lot to say on many topics, but what I’ll mostly be writing about here is teaching and learning music.
This blog is for music students, parents, teachers, performers, listeners, and anyone else! I’ll be posting every week or so to share my opinions, knowledge, and advice about playing, teaching, learning, and loving music - and I promise you’ll never have to read twelve paragraphs about my breakfast before I get to the point. I’ll address common questions and misconceptions about studying music, I’ll share advice for students and parents, and I’ll be featuring a few guest writers.
While I’ll be approaching my subjects from the point of view of music, most of what I have to say is applicable to many fields and to life in general. Suggestions for topics are happily accepted! Use the form on my Contact page to send me a message.
What you’re not going to see in this blog: specific technical instructions on singing or playing piano or organ. No free lessons here! If you want me to teach you stuff, hire me. ;)