Labyrinth Music Blog

Meditations on Learning and Loving Music

Do singers need to read music?

Do singers need to read music?

Lots of singers learn by ear and feel that that’s enough for them to be a good singer. Why should they put in a lot of work to learn to read music when they can already learn music by listening to it? Don’t get me wrong, I think developing your ear is an essential skill for all singers! But music reading is also immensely useful for singers who take the trouble to learn it.

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Do I HAVE to practice?

Do I HAVE to practice?

I have a short answer to this frequently-asked question, and a medium-length answer, and a long answer. Find out what good practicing looks and feels like, and how it helps you make progress.

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About this blog
Laurel Sanders Laurel Sanders

About this blog

Hello! I’m Laurel. This is my blog. I’m an LA-area musician and music teacher and a generally opinionated person. I have a lot to say on many topics, but what I’ll mostly be writing about here is teaching and learning music.

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